Baptist Care

A leading not-for-profit Christian based care organisation that has been serving the aged and people living with disadvantage for over 70 years.

Baptist Care
uses OneSpace to:
Connect their 5,000 staff and volunteers from anywhere.
Update and maintain policies, procedures, employee details and locations.
Centralise communications and announce news & events.

BaptistCare had a SharePoint intranet which had become obsolete. With limited employee access, out-of-date information and limited functionality, BaptistCare wanted to move towards a cloud first strategy and leverage Office 365. With the technology being hosted in the cloud this meant that all employees could have access to the intranet - an exciting new initiative for the organisation, and crucial to the success of the project as their primary objectives were around uptake, adoption, and building interest. 

BaptistCare also wanted the intranet to reflect their branding, so the product needed to be flexible to support changes to templates, navigation, and additionally provide information architecture to satisfy requirements for access to Policy & Procedures, Employees, and a Functional Approach to finding content. OneSpace fit the bill perfectly.

The intranet-in-a-box solution works so well because it is an agile, productised approach for an intranet to improve user experience, without having to reinvent the wheel.

For BaptistCare, who employ more than 4000 staff, with a further 1000 volunteers, communications was of extreme importance, so content personalisation was applied to employees based on a business stream managed in their corporate directory. We also implemented personalisation of favourites and a push to move away from finding content based on business streams and evolve to a functional base using the OneSpace mega menu feature. 

We provided assistance with the full project lifecycle and go live for BaptistCare which was carried out over a number of months.

The results using OneSpace

BaptistCare have successfully moved from an old intranet with minimal users and limited functionality to a centralised employee hub that will never go out of date. The OneSpace intranet site looks and feels just like their brand and has functionality to meet all the unique needs of this non-for-profit organisation. 

Taking advantage of the many out-of-the-box features allowed BaptistCare to improve their user experience and attain a brand new intranet without having to reinvent the wheel and carry the costs associated with building a custom site from scratch. 

It's the one place their 5,000 staff now go to each day as they can connect from anywhere, a feature paramount for their many field workers. It's a bigger beast for communications as staff can stay up to date with all the relevant news, events and updates and perhaps most importantly of all, the OneSpace intranet has pushed a social element for the organisation and helped drive culture change.

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